Erasmus+ eTwinning

Welcome to our high school,  IES MEDINA ALBAIDA.

The centre was officialy opened during the academic year 1993-94. Its name «Medina Albaida»  has an Arab origin, being the  affectionate name used by Arab historians and poets to refer to the City of Zaragoza or the Muslim Saracosta. In that early moment the brand-new 3rd course of Compulsory Secondary Education was experimentally introduced, and along with it former 2nd, 3rd BUP and COU, being all together about 400 students.

During  1996-97 academic year, LOGSE was officially implemented, therefore students from 1st and 2nd cycle of CSE attended together to IES MEDINA ALBAIDA.

It was during year 2019-20 when the bilingual program in English,  BRIT ARAGON was enabled for the first time. The students coming from bilingual and non-bilingual (by examination) schools study one or two subjects in English during the 4 years of Secondary Education, coming up to fulfill at least the 35% of their studies in English. 

Nowadays (2020-21)  our school houses about 600 students, with 4-5 groups per each level of CSE and 3 of Baccalaureate.

The Centre teaches 1st and 2nd course of  Baccalaureates of Humanities and Social Sciences and Science .

The study of foreign languages is specially encouraged ; English, French and German are studied at the Centre as part of  our internationalization policy. This policy is meant to build a context  to bridge the gap between different cultures and countries. Recently we have been admitted in Erasmus plus programs to promote our school exchanges with France and Germany that have been held for more than 20 years so far.

Furthermore, whithin the framework of respect and knoweledge of the environment different activities are carried out like  excursions, workshops, meetings, visits, sports activities in nature, etc.

In the humanistic-artistic-scientific field, special importance is given to creativity, with activities such as concerts, exhibitions, literary contests, writing/reading gruop discussion, competitions, debates, Olympics etc..
